Plot: The film's protagonist (Vincent Cassel). In day of the christening his father and friends gives him a Magnum 357 caliber. Pretty impressive for a baby toy that will shape his character and way of life in the future. The boy grew up and became bold and fearless robber nicknamed the Doberman. Even at a christening all noticed that his eyes are the same as that of a Doberman dog. The guy was strengthened and became a serious problem for all banks in Paris, because in his arsenal is not only a large tree trunk, but small missiles that can shoot screwing on the barrel. His girlfriend - a deaf gypsy, which helps with neimevernoy cruelty to the guy (Vincent Cassel), robbing banks and collectors. This is not limited to his gang. All members of the group's drug and besbashennye personality, each with its own character and charisma. Confronts him Checky Karyo, sadist, and psihopad neuravnoveshanny police. His brutality he has shown throughout the film. His goal is to Doberman, which he wants to catch and kill, and to achieve its goal of simply prepared, even break the law. Very bright, dynamic and exciting film with good special effects and stunts, with an excellent accompaniment music does not impress you and make the experience for the fate of the "bad boy".
Screenshots movie Doberman
Pitbull share dollars from the poor old woman
This sinful priest
Gypsy with burning eyes
Doberman again all fooled
Bad boy with big gun
Trailer movie Doberman
Tags: dobermann movie, doberman movies, doberman the movie, dobermann film, doberman film, dobermann review, doberman review, dobermans, film online free
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